Paola Gonzalez




[email protected]

Service in English, Spanish
Areas of Expertise

(Versión en español a continuación)

Paola discovered her passion for corporate and commercial law from the onset of her career, she works with both for-profit and not-for-profit entities. Her approach is to provide practical, efficient, and goal-focused solutions to her clients.

She specializes in corporate transactions, incorporations, reorganizations, due diligence procedures and general corporate and commercial matters.

Paola’s not-for-profit practice focuses on providing advice to organizations including incorporations, restructuring, by-law revisions and governance matters under the Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act and the Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act.

She was called to the bar of Mexico in 2006 and the bar of Ontario in 2021. Paola is fully bilingual in English and Spanish with a complete fluency in the legal systems of both jurisdictions. Her diverse background and experience enable her to provide unique services to her clients.

She is originally from Mexico City and feels completely at home in Ottawa.

In addition to her legal work, Paola is passionate about diversity and community involvement and continually volunteers her time to local associations.




Paola descubrió su pasión por el derecho corporativo desde el inicio de su carrera, trabaja con entidades con y sin fines de lucro. Su enfoque es brindar soluciones prácticas y eficientes.

Se especializa en transacciones corporativas, constitución de sociedades, reorganizaciones, due diligence y asuntos generales mercantiles.

En cuanto a su práctica para entidades sin fines de lucro, Paola se enfoca en brindar asesoramiento a clientes, como la constitución de organizaciones, reestructura, asuntos de cumplimento y revisión de estatutos.

Obtuvo su título de derecho en México en 2006 y en la Provincia de Ontario en 2021. Paola es bilingüe en inglés y en español, con conocimiento en los sistemas legales de ambas jurisdicciones. Su diversa formación y experiencia le permiten ofrecer servicios únicos a sus clientes.

Ella es originaria de la Ciudad de México pero en Ottawa se siente como en casa.

Además de su trabajo legal, a Paola le apasiona el tema de la diversidad y la participación comunitaria, continuamente participa como voluntaria en asociaciones locales.


  • Called to the Bar of Mexico, 2006
  • Called to the Ontario Bar, 2021
  • Law Society of Upper Canada
  • Canadian Hispanic Bar Association
Professional Activities
  • Director, Board of Directors of Mothercraft Ottawa
  • Director, Board of Directors of the Ottawa Girls Hockey Association
Areas of Expertise