For a few years now, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become one of those recurring topics that kept finding its way into the board meeting – it may even be a standing agenda item for some organizations. More recently, however, AI is now part of the conversation, quietly shaping discussions, as businesses increasingly adopt the use […]
By Solomon M.W. Gold
In a recent decision, the Canadian Federal Court held that an owner of a Canadian patent may obtain a permanent injunction against infringing use, even if…
Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) Introduce New Report for Exempt Distributions More information required effective June 30, 2016 Issuers and…
Prepared by Alanna Mar, Articling Student Almost 1.6 billion people are active every month on Facebook. Instagram has more than 400 million monthly…
By Gregory Sanders
Trusts have been around for six centuries. In that timespan, their uses have evolved as circumstances have changed. Trusts were first used to…
Ontario Securities Commission Amends Take–Over Bid Regime Expected to harmonize with other jurisdictions on May 9, 2016 The Ontario Securities…
By Alanna T. Mar
A registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) is an important financial planning tool that allows the annuitant and his or her spouse or common-law partner…
By Marina Stipanac
As reported earlier, Canada and the European Union started negotiating the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) back in 2009. It was…
In Ontario, if a municipality fails to maintain its bridges, roads and sidewalks in a reasonable state of repair, the municipality is liable for all…
By Margaret R. Truesdale
New limitations on criminal record information provided to employers – By Margaret R. Truesdale, Research Director On December 1, 2015, the Ontario…
Ontario Securities Commission Provides Tips and Guidance for Reporting Insiders How to stay compliant and avoid personal liability The Ontario Securities…
Immigration lawyer and firm Partner, Warren Creates attended a special presentation of the Key to the City to the Chief Justice of Canada. Pictured below,…
By Paul W. Braunovan
The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a trade agreement signed on February 4, 2016 in Auckland, New Zealand. The TPP is not yet in force as it still…