For a few years now, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become one of those recurring topics that kept finding its way into the board meeting – it may even be a standing agenda item for some organizations. More recently, however, AI is now part of the conversation, quietly shaping discussions, as businesses increasingly adopt the use […]
Barry Leon, Partner and Head of the firm’s International Arbitration Group comments on Canadian Lawyer magazine article, “Are…
Barry Leon, Partner in the firm’s International Arbitration Group and Chair of the ICC Canada’s International Arbitration Committee comments…
By Karin Pagé
Bill 168 resulted in significant amendments to the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) which became effective June 15, 2010. The changes to the OHSA…
Perley-Robertson, Hill & McDougall International Arbitration Group lawyers, Barry Leon, Andrew McDougall and John Siwiec recently had their article,…
Barry Leon, Partner, International Arbitration Group at Perley-Robertson, Hill & McDougall will be participating in the 14th Annual…
Barry Leon, Partner, International Arbitration Group at Perley-Robertson, Hill & McDougall will be participating in the following…
Perley-Robertson, Hill & McDougall lawyers, Barry Leon, Joël Dubois and Karin Pagé will all be presenting at the upcoming…
Barry Leon, Partner, International Arbitration Group and Chair, ICC Canada will be a co-moderator for the upcoming “Women in Arbitration in Canada,…
Andrew McDougall, Partner and Head of International Arbitration at Perley-Robertson, Hill & McDougall will speak at the McGill-UNCITRAL…
By Martin Y. St-Onge
It is often assumed that the Harmonized Sales Tax (HST), which in Ontario is currently 13% does not apply to the sale of a used residential property. In…
By Joël M. Dubois
L’évolution des technologies de communication comme Internet a pour effet de forcer les tribunaux à définir (et redéfinir) les limites de ce qui…
Andrew McDougall, Partner and International Arbitration Group Head for Perley-Robertson, Hill & McDougall spoke to Law Times magazine and…