For a few years now, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become one of those recurring topics that kept finding its way into the board meeting – it may even be a standing agenda item for some organizations. More recently, however, AI is now part of the conversation, quietly shaping discussions, as businesses increasingly adopt the use […]
By Robert P. Kinghan
The current uncertainty of the global market has heightened public awareness of the stock-market and its players. In this vein the rules prohibiting…
By Joël M. Dubois
There are a number of reasons why parties to a commercial agreement should consider having their disputes adjudicated through the arbitration process…
By Margaret R. Truesdale
Individuals and corporations have long been reluctant to express any kind of sympathy or remorse to a person who has made a claim against them, even…
On September 18, 2009, changes to the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act will come into force. These changes will have a significant impact on personal…
By Karin Pagé
A waiver and release of liability, properly drafted and brought to the attention of the signor, may absolve a defendant from liability. Earlier this year,…
By Martin Y. St-Onge
Many start-up or smaller companies are often looking to lease retail, office or industrial type commercial space to operate their business. Some of…
The decision to purchase a business requires careful consideration of the many factors involved. These factors include conducting the necessary…
By Christopher P. Morris
A remission order is a remedy that is available to taxpayers where attempts at obtaining relief from tax liability through the typical channels have been…
The Canadian Accounting Standards Board recently confirmed January 1, 2011 as the date International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”)…
A dispute begins when one person makes a claim or demand on another who rejects it. How to approach disputes that arise in your business will depend on…
By Dirk Bouwer
On June 13, 2008, a bill was tabled in the House of Commons which will dramatically affect some 19,000 federally-incorporated not-for-profit corporations.…
Much has been written about employers’ duties to accommodate an employee who is disabled or requires accommodation for religious reasons or other…