If you are buying or selling a multi-unit residential property, it is critical that all pertinent matters relating to the purchase of the property are included in the Agreement of Purchase and Sale (the “Agreement” or the “APS”). If an issue comes up prior to closing and the Agreement is silent on that matter, the […]
By David J. Lowdon
Effective February 1, 2008, a series of changes was made to what may be generally called the takeover bid regime in Canada (the “Bid Regime”). The…
By Robert P. Kinghan
Over the past few decades, franchising has been the dominant small-business strategy in Ontario for the expansion of businesses and distribution of…
By Joël M. Dubois
Parliament has made some changes to the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (the “BIA”) which are likely to have a significant impact on personal…
By Paul W. Braunovan
Many of us are familiar with the concept of a trade-mark. A trade-mark is defined in the Trade-marks Act as “a mark that is used by a person for the…
By Warren L. Creates
Finally, there is a glimmer of hope for foreign nationals in Canada on work and/or study permits who deserve a little special treatment for their…
We are one step closer to an immigration program that has common sense. In February of this year I wrote in this column with great anticipation about a…
By Margaret Truesdale
Last year I wrote a brief article outlining changes that were to be made to the Ontario Human Rights Code (the Code). At that point the timing of the…
By Christopher P. Morris
Consider the following hypothetical situation: You require access to a neighbouring property in order to repair or make improvements to your property or…
By Alain D. Bourassa
The problems with « cybersquatters », persons known to register domain names with the sole intention of profiting from them, is a serious issue to…
The Internet not surprisingly, is an area incubating new forms of unfair competition, as well as adapted versions of old tricks. Therefore, it follows…
By Martin St-Onge
In Ontario, a common way to acquire commercial property is to register title to the property in the name of a corporation as opposed to the name of…